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- We Prepare for Reconciliation (child / parent)

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We Prepare for Reconciliation (child / parent)
Code de produit : 461370
Jean-Paul Bérubé; Françoise Darcy-Bérubé / 56 pages
“Exceedingly well done…reinforces the essentials of Christian living and prayer throughout…” Rev. William Burke Director, National Liturgy Office, CCCB
This newly revised edition of the On Our Way With Jesus series, complete with short, thought-provoking, colourful sidebars invites children, parents, and catechists to enter the mysteries of faith more deeply, to pray more often, and to experience the sacraments of Eucharist and reconciliation more fully as joy-filled encounters with Jesus Christ.
Written, edited, and revised by the most respected catechists in Canada and the United States We Share in the Eucharist and We Prepare for Reconciliation are essential resources to prepare children for the sacraments. The series carries the official Imprimatur from Archbishop Thomas Collins of Toronto.
About the Authors: Francoise Darcy-Berube and John-Paul Berube are well known pioneering Catechists for children and have collaborated and published numerous books together.
Editors: Gwen Costello is the author of over 40 books & DVDs including Blessed Are You: A Prayerbook for Catholics. Myrtle Power is Assistant Professor of Religious Education and Catechetics at Saint Paul University and co-wrote Born of the Spirit Series.
•Attractive, contemporary new design, built around colour-coded, easy-to-follow themes such as: We Walk with Jesus; We Learn About the Mass; We Share God’s Word; We Give Thanks; We Remember and Celebrate; & We Share the Bread of Life.
•Includes additional 16-page pullout Family Guide.
“Exceedingly well done…reinforces the essentials of Christian living and prayer throughout…” Rev. William Burke Director, National Liturgy Office, CCCB
This newly revised edition of the On Our Way With Jesus series, complete with short, thought-provoking, colourful sidebars invites children, parents, and catechists to enter the mysteries of faith more deeply, to pray more often, and to experience the sacraments of Eucharist and reconciliation more fully as joy-filled encounters with Jesus Christ.
Written, edited, and revised by the most respected catechists in Canada and the United States We Share in the Eucharist and We Prepare for Reconciliation are essential resources to prepare children for the sacraments. The series carries the official Imprimatur from Archbishop Thomas Collins of Toronto.
About the Authors: Francoise Darcy-Berube and John-Paul Berube are well known pioneering Catechists for children and have collaborated and published numerous books together.
Editors: Gwen Costello is the author of over 40 books & DVDs including Blessed Are You: A Prayerbook for Catholics. Myrtle Power is Assistant Professor of Religious Education and Catechetics at Saint Paul University and co-wrote Born of the Spirit Series.
•Attractive, contemporary new design, built around colour-coded, easy-to-follow themes such as: We Walk with Jesus; We Learn About the Mass; We Share God’s Word; We Give Thanks; We Remember and Celebrate; & We Share the Bread of Life.
•Includes additional 16-page pullout Family Guide.
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