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- Communion of the Sick (Ritual and Pastorale Notes)

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Communion of the Sick (Ritual and Pastorale Notes)
Code de produit : 182315
This pocket-size ritual for lay people who bring the Eucharist to the sick features
Pastoral notes and rubrics for Communion to the sick
Ritual for Communion to the sick
Scripture readings using NRSV translation
Other rituals and prayers appropriate for lay people
French ritual for Communion to the sick—for use in bilingual areas
Prayer for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
The booklet also contains the following excerpts from the complete edition of Pastoral Care of the Sick:
Communion in ordinary circumstances
Communion in a hospital or institution
Viaticum outside Mass
Commendation for the dying
Prayers for the dead
Selected readings from sacred Scripture
100 pages, 11 x 18 cm, two-colour text, paperback
Pastoral notes and rubrics for Communion to the sick
Ritual for Communion to the sick
Scripture readings using NRSV translation
Other rituals and prayers appropriate for lay people
French ritual for Communion to the sick—for use in bilingual areas
Prayer for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
The booklet also contains the following excerpts from the complete edition of Pastoral Care of the Sick:
Communion in ordinary circumstances
Communion in a hospital or institution
Viaticum outside Mass
Commendation for the dying
Prayers for the dead
Selected readings from sacred Scripture
100 pages, 11 x 18 cm, two-colour text, paperback
- Quantité disponible : 0